How to find flow

Writers talk a lot about the (often elusive) “flow” state—when the hours fly by and you don’t even notice because you’re just so into your writing.

But the real reason flow often feels elusive is because we think it involves creating perfect work—or at least pages that barely need editing.

I cannot overstate this: Flow does not mean flawless.

In fact, flow is filled with flaws.

Because in order to get into a flow state, you have to be willing to love the messiness of creation. To embrace imperfection. To trust that whatever you put on the page now can and will be polished and turned into something publishable later.

It requires you to accept that sometimes you won’t know what you’re doing, or that there will be a sentence/paragraph/scene/chapter you can’t figure out … and to carry on anyway.

Flow is allowing the process to be what it is without mistaking confusion or uncertainty for a sign that you can’t reach your goal or something has gone wrong.

And doing all of that is what makes the writing process so enjoyable …

That we call it flow.


How to make the writing habit stick


How to go all in